Week 2 Quiz Using Dictionaries
Week 2 material review, quiz made using dictionaries.
q1 = """Which of the following is a type of variable? (Select all that applyx)
a. String
b. Integer
c. Float
d. Number"""
q2 = """What is the purpose of lists and dictionaries? (Select all that apply)
a. Transfer information
b. Convert information
c. Throw away information
d. Collect information"""
q3 = """Which of the following apply to lists of dictionaries? (Select all that apply)
a. They are a collection of many similar data patterns
b. The output looks similar to Ruby (coding language) output
c. The output looks similar to JavaScript Object Notation (coding language) output
d. A 'list' data type has the method '.append(expression)'"""
q4 = """In which file are you able to change the the me of your fastpage? (Select all that apply)
a. _notebooks
b. search.html
c. _config.yml
d. tags.html"""
questions = {q1:"a, b, c", q2:"d", q3:"a, c, d", q4:"c"}
print("Hello, welcome to the APCSP Week 2 review!")
for i in questions:
ans = input("enter your answer (x, x, ...)")
if ans==questions[i]:
score = score+1
score = score-1
print("Your score is:", score, "/ 4")