
Simulation: a simpler abstraction of a complex natural phenomena

Simulation vs Experiment:

  • Safer
  • Less costly
  • Can make better predictions

Why make a simulation?

  • Can manage complex situations without actually delving into the complexities of the real world problem
Question Answer
Sanika Shahapurkar
1 no question
2 no question
3 C, random numbers are important in a variety of situations but will not make the simulation itself more accurate
4 B, the other aircraft does not neccesarily have a direct impact on the functionality of a specific aircraft
5 C, the situation when using and experiment or simulation could be the same but one is often more effective for the specific situation
6 A, the car company can not put actual customers in car crashes
7 A, infliciting harm on the environment is not tangible for the study
8 no question
9 B, a simple average calclulation is possible because values are already provided