After completeing and personalizing our project, we were excited to share it with atendees of Night at The Museum.

Because we arrived early, our first participants (our friends) used our personal computer to explore our Song-by-Emotion generator. We explained to them how each aspect of our project connects, and simplified the concepts of frontend and backend.

Once we were able to connect to a larger display, we explained our program to larger groups of people. They found it interesting, and often understoof how it worked due to having prior computer science knowlege.

After demonstrating our project to a variety of peers and parents, we found a few points of improvement.

  1. Add more synonyms so that user has more leeway for input (more specific emotions)
  2. More specific instructions so that user is able to understand purpose better
  3. Frontend to improve appearance

After finishing our own presentation, we explored projects from other groups in APCSP and APCSA.

Some included marketplace to sell personal items, stopwatches to help studying, and arcade games.

Finally, we explored projects from other classes like AP Studio Art.