Blog Post Reflection – Digital Empowerment

People with certain advantages in access to the digital world and use this access to further movements in increasing digitial accesiblity. To empower one’s self a person can ensure to seperate their digital lives from their real lives. Because nothing is good in excess, it is important that digital forms of media are used in moderation.

On a large scale, increased funding to public schools as well as increase in lower income wages will allow more people to access the technology. This would lessen the divide that puts some with advantage above others. On the smaller scale of Del Norte HS, we can encourage various students to utilize the resources of technology we are provided. Additionally, encouraging students to take computer science related courses is important.

In my opinion, red tape is blocking digital empowerment. Though paper is another major use of keeping track of and recording data, I feel it is more the traditionalist ideology and fear of vulnurability that prevents people from using technology to it’s highest potential.

Blog Post Reflection

