
Word Pseudocode Python Def/Purpose
Output DISPLAY(expression) print(expression, end=” “) Displays the value of expression, followed by a space. Python defaults to newline, thus the end=” “
Input a ← INPUT() a = input(prompt) Accepts a value from the user and returns it to the variable a.
Assignment a ← expression a = expression Evaluates expression and assigns the result to the variable a.
Lists N/A [] a way to group data into ordered sequences
Dictionaries N/A {} a way of grouping data into in key-value relationships
HTML Fragments N/A N/A HTML fragments are portions of code used in a greater coding system that enable functionality specific to the current page
API N/A N/A A Web API is an application programming interface typically for a web browser.
Frontend N/A N/A Front-end web development is the development of the graphical user interface of a website, utilize HTML and JavaScript
Backend N/A N/A Functionality, code that connects the web to a database, manages user connections, and powers the web application itself
Deployment N/A N/A Deploying a Web Application enables a Server and Web Application to be available to users on the Internetx

Deployment Resources

Resources Purpose
EC2 a cloud computing platform that the PUSD district has provided for their students to serve our Web Application
GitHub The leading open platform to share a code across the Internet.
Docker and docker-compose Docker container prepares an environment that contains the Web Application code and all the dependencies (requirements.txt for Python) Docker is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications.
Nginx Nginx is an open source software for web serving, reverse proxy, caching, load balancing, media streaming, and more.


Start SSJN on Flask: cd ~/p3t2_ssjn_flask/ source webapp/bin/activate

Curl: http://localhost:8032

Update from AWS: cd ~/p3t2_ssjn_flask/ sudo docker-compose ps sudo docker ps git status sudo docker-compose kill git pull sudo docker-compose build –no-cache sudo docker-compose up -d

Initial Targets, Important

Week Topics Learnings
1 Tools Setup Create Fastpage, Creat first Jupyter notebook, Screen capture of VS Studio
2 Intro Python, Jupyter, Fastpages Productive Blogging, Jupyter Notebook using Bash, more
3 Data Abstraction List/Dictionaries Iteration, HTML/Markdown Fragments