Q5 benefits of upgraded system

On this question, I believe my error was made due to not reading the question thouroughly. I now see that the software does not always need a human to respond to the customer, as they have some prerecorded answers to questions. However it is more difficult to respond to every call, when humans have limited capabilities and will likely need to take one call at a time.

Q26 Algorithm to select two students from thirty

Because the group of 30 students in divided into two, and then randomly selected, all 30 students do not have the same likelihood of being chosen. But in choice D, randomizes before every selection to make corresponding pairs.

Q50 Which algorithms run in reasonable time

While I chose D correctly, I did not understand that the pattern to look out for is exponential versus linear growth. While Algorithm A and D grow by sum, B and C grow exponentially meaning they will take longer as the amount of steps grow, making them less reasonable.